WS2: "Managing Heterogeneous and Secure Communication Networks for Smart Grids"

Room C

This workshop aims to address the communication challenges of smart grid applications. The presentations will deal with how to develop a holistic communication strategy and manage multiple communication networks, i.e., a scalable information infrastructure supporting a broad range of smart grid applications and communication technologies, as well as managing multiple/heterogeneous communication networks. They will explain the idea of smart grid control based on adaptive layers and information centric networking, with the support of a reference architecture providing an integrated view of several control cases such as Automated Meter Reading, Customer Energy Management Systems, Electrical Vehicle Charging in Low Voltage Grids, External Generation Site, Voltage Control in Medium Voltage Grids. Security challenges/requirements and possible solutions of some smart grid use cases will be highlighted. 
The developments in the EU SmartC2Net and C-DAX projects will set the technical background for the roundtable discussion among the speakers and the invited panelists, to address key questions such as:
  • What is the dependency and the impact of ICT in the management of distribution networks?
  • What are adequate control strategies?
  • What are the necessary security measures for the different business cases?
  • Cyber risk assessment of smart grids: does it help in the implementation of security measures?
  • What are the benefits of monitoring the smart grid ICT infrastructures?
Giovanna Dondossola, RSE, Italy
Click on the presentation title to download the slides

Hans Schwefel, FTW, Austria
Konstantinos Katsaros, University College London, UK
Rasmus Olsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Erik Poll, Radboud University, The Netherlands
Roundtable Discussion
  • Herman Bontius, Alliander, The Netherlands
  • Nuno Silva, Efacec, Portugal
  • Konstantinos Moulinos, Enisa EC, Greece
  • Aurelio Blanquet, EDP, Portugal
Speaker Bios

Hans-Peter Schwefel is Scientific Director of the Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW), Austria, and part-time Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. 
His research focuses on IP based communication networks and their applications with main interest in performance and dependability aspects. 
Before he joined Aalborg University, he was a project manager at Siemens Information and Communication Mobile, supervising research projects and responsible for the development of technical concepts for next generation mobile networks. 
He obtained his doctoral degree in the area of IP traffic and performance modeling from the Technical University in Munich, Germany. 
For his research activities, he also spent extended periods of time at the University of Connecticut, USA, at AT&T Labs, Middletown, USA, and at University of Florence and CNR-ISTI in Pisa, Italy.

Konstantinos V. Katsaros received his B.Sc. in Informatics (2003), and his M.Sc. (2005) and Ph.D. (2010) degrees in Computer Science from Athens University Economics and Business (AUEB). 
Since then has worked as a research fellow at the Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (AUEB) and the Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Sciences (LINCS) at Telecom ParisTech, France. 
He has worked in the areas of information-centric networking, cloud computing/networking, mobile grid computing, cognitive radio and multicast/broadcast service provision over cellular networks. 
His current research interests include smart grid communications and information-centric network architectures. Currently he is a member of the Communication and Information Systems Group at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London, UK.

Rasmus Løvenstein Olsen is an Associate Professor at Aalborg University working in the Network and security group. Rasmus received his master degree from Aalborg University in 2003 and has received his PhD degree on the topic of Context Sensitive Service Discovery and Context Management with focus on access to dynamic information in 2008. Since, Rasmus have been teaching, supervising from 1st year master students to Ph.D. level, and working in various European projects and have more than 40 publications in papers for international conferences, journals and book chapters. Rasmus' current research focus is on the role of communication networks in smart grid and the impact of networks on remote access to dynamic data of the collection as well as the distribution of information. The key word is information quality metrics and quality of service in general information management systems. Rasmus is also a member of the technical program committee of e.g. IEEE Smartgridcomm and IEEE NCA conferences, and is currently active in the electrical association of Intelligent Energy in Denmark.
Previous Rasmus has previous been guest visitor at National Institute of Communication Technology in Yokosuka Research Park in Japan, cooperating with a team of researchers on next generation network technology. He is currently engaged in national and European research projects, currently SmartC2Net, MOBINET and EDGE, doing research and leader of work packages.

Erik Poll is associate professor in the Digital Security group at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 
His background is in formal methods to improve software quality. 
For the past 15 years he has been investigating the use of such methods to analyse and improve security.  Here he has done research on Java, smartcards, security testing and automated reverse engineering, and on applications such as electronic passports, payment systems, online banking, and smart metering.



Panelist Bios
Herman Bontius has his education in Electrotechnical Engineering and Telecommunication. He has 20 years of engineering and consultancy experience in requirements analysis, innovation and development of Communication Solutions mainly for Power utilities. Currently he is a Consultant working on requirements analysis, architecture and specification of communication and related grid solutions for monitoring, protection and control. 

Nuno Silva graduated from University of Porto in 2003 with a specialization in Power Systems, finished his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Control and Power Group, Imperial College London in 2009 and complimented his skills with an executive MBA at Catolica Porto Business School in 2014. 
He currently works at EFACEC, where he is Deputy Director of Strategic Projects of the Switchgear & Automation Business Unit. 
He is project manager on several national and international smart grids initiatives and electrical mobility projects. Distributed Generation, Smart Grids, automation and power systems economics are his areas of activity.

Konstantinos Moulinos is an expert in the network and information security (NIS) area. He is the manager of ENISA's smart grid security project. He has worked for more than 10 years as an information systems auditor and for four years he contacted ENISA as an expert in the area of critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP). Moulinos has been awarded a diploma in informatics, a master of science in information systems and a Ph.D. in privacy enhancing technologies. He has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications covering areas such as information and network security, CIIP, data protection and privacy-enhancing technologies.
He has served the NIS area from various posts: as an Information Systems’ auditor on behalf of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA), as a security expert of ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency), as a scientist during his doctoral research, as a researcher involved in various NIS European projects, as an advisor participating in various technical committees and last but not least as a guest speaker at several seminars, public discussions and lectures.

Aurélio Blanquet is graduated in Electronics Engineering and MBA in business administration. 
Since 2007, he is Director for Automation and Telecommunications in the Portuguese DSO EDP Distribuição. 
Mr. Blanquet was also Project Leader for the InovGrid Project, the Portuguese smartgrid’s innovation initiative pursuing the upgrade of the Distribution Network to face the new needs and challenges of the electricity market, and member of the Corporate Steering Committee for the IT Systems Architecture. Actually he is the responsible for the Distribution Automation, Telecommunications and Cyber Security strategies within this Program. 
He is also Board Member at EUTC - European Telecom Utilities Telecom Council, and active member at Eurelectric’s WG Distribution System Design as Portuguese representative, and former member of the Expert Group 2 (EG2), a EC initiative focused in Data Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Security of smart grids, within the Smart Grids Task Force. 
Besides other contributions, he is also member of the SmartC2Net EAB (Smart Control of Energy Distribution Grids over Heterogeneous Communication Networks), an FP7-ICT project focused on Smart Energy Grids. 
Previously he was Associate Director of Network Operations at EDP Distribuição. Between 1999 and 2007 he was Director at ONI Telecom, a Portuguese telecommunications operator, head of Business Development Projects and responsible for the e-commerce B2C business. 
Until 1999, he was Head of Department for Telecontrol and Telecommunications at EDP, and project manager of several R&D Projects, covering the area of SCADA/DSM Systems, Substation Automation, Distribution Automation, Intelligent Sensors and Digital Power-Line telecommunications.